Stop to think of the negative consequences of ignoring Christianity...

STOP 2 THINK ( is a charitable initiative using custom printed t-shirts to remind people of the negative consequences of ignoring Christianity.

What are the consequences of ignoring Christianity?

Christianity essentially encourages positive behaviours and challenges negative behaviours and is therefore more relevant than ever within our me me me secular society. We are all addicted to various forms of negative behaviours and without taking Christianity seriously it is next to impossible for us to combat many of those negative behaviours. When people walk away from Christianity they are inclined to focus on self rather than focus on the best interests of the wider community. Put simply, society suffers whenever people turn away from Christianity.

Why is it important to link Christianity with positive behaviour?

It is important to link Christianity with positive behaviour as it is essentially true (love is a positive behaviour and is at the heart of Christianity) and the need to encourage positive behaviour is increasingly acknowledged within secular society. Linking Christianity with the language of positive behaviour is a timely reminder that Christianity is more relevant than ever in todays' society.

It is also useful to see Christianity in terms of maximising human virtues (resulting in maximising positive behaviours) and also in terms of encouraging followers of Jesus Christ to LOVE MORE and SIN LESS (sin is essentially the absence of love).

Why is it important to have some sort of concept of a higher being?

None of us are perfect in every single aspect of our lives. We can never hope to achieve perfection by following any example of human imperfection. However, we can all do much better by aspiring to an image of perfection (as found in the higher being Christians call God and his son Jesus Christ).

What about bad behaviour linked to the Christian Church?

Christians can never pretend to be perfect and yes the Christian Church is not immune from a few bad apples. However, it is worth remembering that most Christians fully acknowledge their individual weaknesses and their Christian faith continually challenges them to respond to their weaknesses (this cannot be said for people who ignore Christianity).